Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Avoid Suffering Acne-Generated Misery

Familiarity with sensible home remedies for acne is essential
during teenage life because acne is a very common problem that
occurs in teenagers and adult people. While the condition can be
treated by commercial and prescription creams and medicines;
still nothing is more effective and cost-efficient treatment
than using home remedies for acne.

Preventive is always better that reactive treatment – meaning
proper care of the skin can help you avoid experiencing the
devastating effects that acne can bring about. There are
important things to consider so as observing proper skin care
such as keeping the face clean to prevent clogging of pores with
dirt and oil and avoiding some foods that are greatly associated
with the development of acne breakouts. Getting enough night
sleep is also essential in preventing acne. However, if your job
requires you to stay late at night or needs to stay awake the
whole night it would be useful to always keep chamomile tea
handy. Instead of washing face with soap and water, use
chamomile tea.

Smoking is another habit that you should try to avoid if you
want to have an acne clear skin. This is because smoking is not
good for the skin and may induce the occurrence of pimples,
blackheads, and other skin breakouts. Healthy and vitamin-rich
diet can be a vital part of acne prevention plan.

Getting to know essential home remedies for acne can help you
save your money and time spent in visiting a dermatologist in
your desire to treat your unsightly acne.

Common Home Remedies for Acne

Fine oatmeal and natural yoghurt - Combine and mix natural
yoghurt and fine oatmeal until it is of thick paste consistency.
Apply to skin and leave until dry. Use lukewarm water when
washing the face. Pat dry;

Honey and cinnamon powder- Mix honey and cinnamon powder until
of paste texture then apply before sleeping. Let it stand in the
face until the next morning. Upon waking in the morning, wash
the face with water. This is one of the best natural home
remedies for acne.

Ground nut oil and lime juice- In a container, combine one
tablespoon of ground nut oil with one tablespoon of fresh lime
juice then apply on the skin.

Lime juice and milk- Boil half glass of milk and mix it with
fresh lime juice. Apply on skin with pimples and blackheads.

Other common Home made treatments:

• Make facial wash by using lemon and rose water. Mix them
together and apply the liquid on your face. Leave it for a few
minutes and then wash off by using cotton pad soaked in warm

• Use egg whites to treat your acne; apply the egg whites on
your face and leave for 10 -15 minutes. Then wash your face with
cold water.

• Mix oatmeal and natural yogurt and apply on your face for a
few minutes. When you feel the mixture dries on your face, wash
it with warm water.

• Drink a lot of water during the day.

• Eat many cucumbers during the day in order to keep your face
acne free.

• Drink warm water with lemon a few times a day.

• Eat healthy food; make sure you eat a lot of fruit and

• Take a cotton pad and dip it in rose water, clean your face
with the rose water a few times a day to get better looking

• Take one lemon and squeeze its juice. Apply the lemon juice
on the acne pimples and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash your
face with lukewarm water. If your skin stings from the lemon,
wash your face before the 20 minutes are over.

• Apply garlic cloth on the acne to make it heal faster.

Diet modification including Vitamin C and E-rich foods are
essential in acne prevention. Eating foods rich with these
nutrients provides antioxidants that can help refresh and
revitalize the skin. Those who have acne or in the past had acne
know very well the misery and anguish that acne can bring about.
Knowledge of some valuable home remedies for acne can help you
prevent going through the same misery – the natural way.

About The Author: The author is the owner of
http://www.homeremediesguru.com. For more information about Home
Remedies for Acne visit

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