Monday, January 11, 2010

How to ChooNot Get Upset With Poor Remedies and That Waste Money :How to Choose the Right Acne Scar Cure

From the single, occasional PMS zit to the chronic unprovoked breakout, acne is a condition that has affected everyone at one time. While some people suffer from the annoying dark spot afterwards at the sight of the pimple, others must deal with more serious and obvious consequences such as depressed scars and lumpy skin texture. There is no one acne scar cure that can treat all of these results; different actions much be applied to different situations. Below are some helpful tips on what to do for your particular scar.

1. Hyperpigmentation.

If your scar is nothing more than just a dark spot that seems to be taking too long to heal, then be vigilant about wearing sunscreen. Protecting it from the sun everyday will have a marked effect on the fading speed. Just as you would wear sunscreen to keep a tan from getting darker, the same logic applies here.

2. Scabbing.

If you are in the stage where you are itching to pick away at the protective crust that formed over your pimple, think again. Scabs are not scars that can just be removed. If you try to peel a scab while it is still trying to heal the lesion, you are doing yourself a disservice and only increasing the possibility of permanent scarring.

3. Multiple mild scar spots.

This is preferable for those who have a series of pigmented scars and mild texture issues rather than indented scars. A professional will apply acid on your skin and promote the growth of a new layer that will be smoother and clearer. It may take a few treatments in order for you to see the effects.

4. Rolled surface.

If acne has left you with a bumpy, rolling surface to your face, then opt for subcutaneous incisions. This is where a needle is inserted into the scar in order to break up the tissue that creates the lumpiness. It is done under local anesthesia so do not worry about pain.

5. Pitted scars.

Traditionally called icepick scars, these give most chronic acne sufferers the most frustration. An effective acne scar cure is a technique called punch excision works to remove your pitted area with a small biopsy-style tool, and then the remaining wound is left to heal back together into a smoother surface. Any scarring that results will be very light and negligible.

How to Prevent Body Acne - Get Your Self Esteem Back

If acne history runs in your genes, it would be double hard for you to avoid it. But now matter how prone you are to acne, you can always avoid it. That is the beautiful thing about the human body. It takes a great deal of discipline to live an acne-free existence, but if you are willing to be step ahead every time, you might just be able to defy the odds.

Prevention is always better than cure. Imagine the hundreds of dollars that you can save when you actually manage to avoid acne. In order to know how to prevent body acne, you must be familiar with its causes.

First off, it all starts with oil. Your body produces oil aside from the oil that you get from the foods that you eat. These oils are needed for certain biological functions, but when they get stuck in your pores, that's when acne becomes a possibility. Further contact with germs and you will have a mountain of acne ransacking your back and neck.

So in other words, you should make it your goal to prevent this from ever coming into fruition. Here are some steps on how to prevent body acne:

1. Wash regularly and carefully. Soak in your bathtub filled with warm water and let your body wash linger for quite a while. Shower every night, paying special attention to your hair, face, neck, chest, and back. Make sure the skin behind your ears is also completely cleansed.

Do not use cleansers that have grains and scrubs. Always go for the gentlest product to avoid harming your skin. Warm water is a must. It should not be too hot because hot water releases oil in your body, thereby triggering further breakouts.

2. Wear comfortable clothes, preferably those made in cotton. Your skin can breathe easily when wearing cotton. Coarse clothing might further clog your pores so stay away from them. Make sure the clothes that you wear are clean, otherwise bacteria will find their way to your skin.

3. Do not stress too much. There is no such thing as a stressful job. It is all a matter of perception. If you are an organized and disciplined person, you would be able to finish your tasks well ahead of time and be in good terms with your boss and colleagues. Too much stress and you will have hormonal imbalance, a perfect recipe for acne occurrence.

4. Avoid heavy sweating. This has known to be an acne stimulant because wetness around your body helps germs cling around and form into whiteheads and pimples. Be comfortable all the time to avoid sweating. You may release sweat during your workout hours, but make it a point to hit the shower as soon as you have finished working out.

Alpha Lipoic Acid(glycalic acid) for Acne Cure - Antioxidants In Action

Acne is a type of skin disease occurring at the sebaceous follicles of the skin. It usually appears on the face, neck and back. The follicles secrete a natural substance, called sebum, and this mixes with dirt and dust. This then causes the follicles and its surrounding tissues to become inflamed. It's a good thing to know that a such a substance as alpha lipoic acid for acne may hold a solution.

Getting To Know Acne There are two types of acne, either inflammatory or non-inflammatory. For the non-inflammatory type of acne, there is the closed comedo (whitehead) which appears as small, whitish bumps on the surface of the skin. In this case, the plugged follicle does not surface on the skin. There is also the open comedo (blackhead) wherein the plug is slightly darker in appearance, which is due to melanin buildup. This time the plug enlarges and becomes visible on the skin surface.

For the inflammatory acne types there are papule, pustule, nodule or cyst, and acne conglobata. These skin diseases range from a small, pink bump, to an inflamed bump that contains visible pus, to an acne with severe bacterial infection.

What Is Alpha Lipoic Acid? Tagged by some as the "universal" antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid is used widely for its ability to cure and prevent various diseases by neutralizing free radicals in our bodies and protecting the cells from damage. Free radicals are substances that cause damage to the cells. Some common sources of free radicals are fried foods, smoking, exhaust, and pollution.

What Does Alpha Lipoic Acid Do? The main function of the alpha lipoic acid is to boost the levels of gluthathione, which is responsible for dissolving toxic substances in the liver. Alpha lipoic acid can be easily absorbed into the blood stream, and is found in vegetables and meats.

Because alpha lipoic acid is both water and lipid soluble, it is able to reach all portions of the cell. This exceptional ability to work itself within the cell helps the body rid itself of toxins present in the body. It also works effectively in fighting inflammation resulting from acne lesion on a cellular level, curing them before they develop into a more serious type of inflammatory acne.

Another beneficial effect that can be derived out of the alpha lipoic acid is its ability to preserve and protect vitamins C and vitamin E levels in the skin, which can decrease steadily with constant exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

More Benefits Alpha lipoic acid can boost energy production in aging cells, enhancing their ability to repair cellular damage and expel waste products within the cell. This process has been used to treat aged skin because alpha lipoic acid is made up of 1% lotion.

Another effect of the activity of alpha lipoic acid is its ability to prevent and reverse scar formation due to acne. This is due to the skin renewal properties present in alpha lipoic acid that is why it has been used as an ingredient of facial creams to help diminish scar formation.

These are just some of the benefits that can be derived from alpha lipoic acid for acne, which has been widely used as an acne treatment formula. Clinical studies have also proven that the alpha lipoic acid does not have adverse effects, even at high doses.