Saturday, February 28, 2009

What You Should Know Before You Seek the Right Acne Dermatology Treatment

Even though acne is common amongst teens and young acne adults,
if your condition is not under control, you need to think about
the right acne dermatology treatment. Making that decision is
tough. Avoid waiting until your condition becomes a problem and
be the kind of person who will take action now to control your

Pimple acne are unsightly. Even the sound of "pimple" is icky.
These clogged skin pores have other alias known as whiteheads,
blackheads, cyst or nodules. They can result in scars...can
affect your self esteem. Truth be told, it's guaranteed that if
you are between 12 to 17 years old you will at least experience
one acne breakout.

Fortunately, there are wide choices of skincare products for
acne that are available at pharmacy retailers, TV shopping
networks and don't forget the INTERNET. Perhaps you have heard
of them. Name brands such as Murad, Proactiv, Neutrogena, and
Clearasil are just a few. And...they may work!

But causes for acne are unique to each individual, the time
spent finding over the counter medicines is a study of trial and
error. For a typical teen apprehensive about going back to
school or young people starting a new career or workplace,
showing your best face forward is essential. With that said,
over the counter quick acne treatment medicines may not respond
in a timely manner thus it's best to consider acne dermatology

Here are some helpful tips when considering a visit to your

Going to a dermatologist is going to take several steps. While
at your first appointment, the doctor will perform a physical
assessment that includes your health history.

He may order blood work or other diagnostic tests to rule out
medical causes for your acne. Depending on the type, severity
and frequency of your outbreaks, you may be advised to start a
cleansing routine of prescribed topical soaps, creams or
lotions. If your acne case is a mild one, oral prescriptions may
benefit you.

Your dermatologist might start you on an antibiotic such as
Tetracycline or Erythromycin to flush out any infections. If
this treatment does not improve in three to six months, Accutane
might be the next treatment.

It is best to get a good explanation of the Accutane acne
treatment due to its controversy. Some isolated cases of birth
defects or suicidal attempts have stirred up precautions about
its use. Many dermatologists will not even prescribe this
treatment to women of child bearing age or people with a history
of depression.

Nevertheless, Accutane's effectiveness has been called a cure
for acne. The length of time to clear up acne with this
treatment spans four to six months with up to 60% of acne
sufferers getting excellent results. In some cases a second six
month treatment might be needed to stop the residual breakouts.

As you can see this Accutane treatment is highly touted as one
of the best in getting rid of acne despite its questionable past
history for people with certain pre-existing conditions. It is
accurate to conclude there are more positive results that out
weight the negatives with this acne cleaner treatment.

Therefore you should be diligent about digging deeper into the
potential effects both positive and negative of any acne
treatment that you are considering.

In conclusion, you should always research your acne condition
or talk to a dermatologist to get the best results in curing
your acne. What ever acne dermatology treatment you decide on
follow through diligently without interrupting the healing

About The Author: Steve Kent is a successful publisher and
webmaster who enjoys helping people live happier lives by
providing solutions to their everyday problems. Did you know 80
- 90 % teenage boys and girls will get acne? And nearly 40% of
these teens will be severe acne. Don't be one of them, find out
how.... Effective Acne

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