Saturday, February 28, 2009

Top 10 Home Remedies To Cure Acne And Pimples

When you talk about home remedies for acne and pimple, your
mind reverts to the natural ways of living. Wrong living is
bound to give you wrong results. Natural growth of the human
body and the resultant hormonal changes cause acne. Improper
skin care and wrong food habits add fuel to the fire and worsen
the conditions of acne.

The great assurance about home remedies is that they are
harmless and will not cause you any side effects. For every type
of disease, a cure is provided by the Nature. Only you need to
make self-assessment for what is good for you and what not. Some
of the tried and trusted methods, since time immemorial, are:

1.Take raw milk and grind nutmeg with it. This paste has
genuine acne healing qualities. The cure is complete and no
marks or scars are left on your face.

2.Make a mixture of one teaspoon cinnamon powder and an equal
quantity of lemon juice. and apply it softly on your face,
especially the pimple affected area. You will get good results.

3.Take three table spoons of pure honey and mix it with one
teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply it on the pimples and let the
paste remain there overnight. Wash it next morning with lukewarm
water. Continue this operation for two weeks. Pimples will
vanish for ever.

4.Dry the orange peel and make its paste. Daub the paste on the
pimples. You will have lots of relief in the acne and pimples

5.Garlic is a well known remedy for pimples. Crush garlic and
apply fresh juice on and around the pimples. Regular application
will solve the problem of pimples once for all,. No scars will
be left on your face.

6.Lime juice is used with many other combinations. Mix it with
groundnut oil. This is a good treatment for blackheads and

7.Mint juice does much more. The fresh juice applied overnight,
takes care of stings, scabies,eczema and other skin infections.

8.Wrinkles on your face may be inevitable at the old age, but
why should you have them now? Make the paste of fresh fenugreek
leaves and daub it on your face . Let it remain there for about
15 minutes. Wash the face with warm water. Along with wrinkles
this will treat your pimples and blackheads.

9.If you have a sharp attack of pimples and if they are
swelling, apply the juice of raw papaya for good results.

10.Now, one evergreen remedy for pimples. Mix rose water and
lime juice in equal quantities. Apply profusely on the affected
area. With lukewarm water wash it off, after 30 minutes. Pimples
are bound to disappear and your skin will glow.

About The Author: The author writes about a number of different
topics. For more information on acne visit and also visit the article

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