Friday, February 20, 2009

Choosing the Right Acne Treatment That Work For You

The options for acne treatment that work have come a long way
in the last few years. It used to be that if someone was
plagued with chronic and consistent acne then their only options
were harsh topical ointments or prescriptions. Very often these
forms of acne treatment that work were either ineffective for
severe cases or damaged the areas of one's skin that didn't have
acne. Some even caused rashes and allergic reactions that
seemed to be worse than the acne itself!

But today there are many forms of acne treatment that work that
are much more effective and much less harsh to one's skin. You
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They include topical ointments that you can get at the pharmacy
or from a dermatologist, and entire skin care regimens that you
can use to not just address your breakouts but to have healthier
skin overall.

The first thing you need to think about when it comes to acne
treatment that work is just how bad your acne is. You can
compare acne treatments or try natural acne home treatments. If
you only have a mild form with occasional breakouts then there
is no reason to go overboard and use the most severe medications
and ointments out there, just because you don't want the few
breakouts you get. For not just acne but the overall health of
your skin, it's usually better to opt for the lightest and least
harsh acne treatment that work there is; if you don't have good
results, you can then increase the percentage of medication

It's also important when considering your acne treatment that
work that you address your acne but also are mindful of your
skin's health and condition overall. Many who have acne neglect
moisturizing their skin, thinking that the buildup of oil is
what is causing their acne so any added moisture is just going
to be bad for them. In reality, it's important when using any
form of an acne treatment that work that you moisturize all
areas of your skin. If you strip your skin of natural
moisturizers and oil, the skin typically reacts by producing
even more oil than before, making the problem worse. This is
one of the reasons that typical acne treatment that work
regimens leave the skin dry and flaky on top of addressing the
acne itself. This of course can be very frustrating to the acne

For very stubborn, severe, and chronic cases of acne it may be
best to talk to a dermatologist for their recommendation as to
what form of acne treatment that work is best for you. Very
severe cases may not respond well to remedies you get from the
pharmacy or over the counter. If left untreated, acne can get
worse and worse and leave very unsightly scars on the skin,
scars that can be treated but not very easily. It's usually
best to get ahead of your condition with the right acne
treatment that work, and a dermatologist that specializes in
acne can do a tremendous amount of good when it comes to your
condition. You don't need to be plagued with acne for the rest
of your life, so talk to your doctor today.

About The Author: Dr. April Davall is webmaster of, which goal is to to help. Dr. Davalls free
Acne Report and The Acne Book to the best price. Blog. You can
learn and print out almost anything about acne at no cost.

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