Thursday, March 26, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Acne And Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Deficiency
Acne Specialist believes there is a correlation between Vitamin B5
deficiency and acne (the most common skin disease), due to modern
food processing.
Vitamin B5, aka pantothenic acid, serves the body in many ways. It is
a member of the nutritionally elite group of eight vitamins lovingly
called the Vitamin B complex. This powerful group of vitamins has a
role in nearly every major body system and process. The Vitamin B
complex keeps both body and mind functioning and in good health.
Vitamin B5, like all of the vitamins in the B complex, is essential to
the body for a number of reasons (also see other sections of for more information):
-Pantothenic acid as coenzyme A is closely involved in adrenal cortex
function and has come to be known as the "antistress" vitamin. It
supports the adrenal glands to increase production of cortisone and
other adrenal hormones to help counteract stress. Coenzyme A is vital
in the synthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol, steroids, sphingosines,
and phospholipids. It also helps synthesize porphyrin, which is
connected to hemoglobin.
-Through the above mechanism, Vitamin B5 is also thought to help
prevent aging and wrinkles and is important for hair and healthy skin.
As you can imagine, it is used in a variety of cosmetic products.
-It has the ability to utilize the food it takes in as fuel for its
myriad of processes, great and small. As the coenzyme, Vitamin B5 is
important in cellular metabolism of carbohydrates and fats to release
-It works in the regular maintenance and repair of all bodily tissues,
from the cellular level on up. This makes it a critical part of the
body's efforts to fight the physical damage to which excessive stress
-Vitamin B5 serves many important functions in the nervous system ---
for example, Vitamin B5 contributes to the production of
neurotransmitters, which are important to the ability of the nerves to
-Through its adrenal support, Vitamin B5 may reduce potentially toxic
effects of antibiotics and radiation.
-Vitamin B5, acting as a cofactor or partner to other members of the
Vitamin B complex as well as other nutrients, has a great role in the
functioning of the adrenal glands and also promotes normal growth of
the body. This is due to its role in hormone production throughout the
B5 is stable to moist heat and oxidation or reduction (adding or
subtracting an electron), though it is easily destroyed by acids (such
as vinegar) or alkalis (such as baking soda) and by dry heat. Over
half of the pantothenic acid in wheat is lost during milling, and
about one-third is degraded in meat during cooking. In many whole
foods, Vitamin B5 is readily available.
Only recently the general public is becoming more aware of the
importance of whole foods. Yet, diets of the majority of the
population are still made up of mostly heavily processed foods
(available Vitamin B5 activity is lost during refinement of foods) due
to our fast pace, time poor lifestyle of the modern world.
Vitamin B5 / pantothenic acid is found in yeasts, molds, bacteria, and
plant and animal cells, as well as in human blood plasma and lymph
Good sources of pantothenic acid include the organ meats, brewer's
yeast, egg yolks, fish, chicken, whole grain cereals, cheese, peanuts,
dried beans, and a variety of vegetables, such as sweet potatoes,
green peas, cauliflower, and avocados. Vitamin B5 is also made by the
bacterial flora of human intestines, another source for this important
metabolic assistant or coenzyme.
Fatigue is probably the earliest and most common symptom of
pantothenic acid deficiency. A diet high in refined and processed
foods or a reduction or destruction of intestinal flora, most commonly
by antibiotic use, can lead to a vitamin B5 deficiency.
Teenagers are more likely to experience a deficiency, because their
diets often include high amounts of "fast foods" sugars, and refined
flours (all low in B vitamins). And the problem may be compounded
because the acne often associated with this type of diet is commonly
treated with tetracycline antibiotics, which reduce the intestinal
bacteria and thereby the production of pantothenic acid in the colon.
Studies of pantothenic acid deficiency in rats showed increased
graying of the fur, decreased growth, and, in the extreme, hemorrhage
and destruction of the adrenal glands. In humans, the decreased
adrenal function caused by B5 deficiency can lead to a variety of
metabolic problems. Fatigue is most likely; there may also be physical
and mental depression, a decrease in hydrochloric acid production and
other digestive symptoms, some loss of nerve function, and problems in
blood sugar metabolism, with symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood
sugar) being the most common. Pantothenic acid affects the function of
cells in all systems, and a deficiency may reduce immunity, both
cellular and antibody responses. Other symptoms of B5 deficiency
include vomiting, abdominal cramps, skin problems, tachycardia,
insomnia, tingling of the hands and feet, muscle cramps, recurrent
upper respiratory infections, and worsening of allergy symptoms.
Therapeutic ranges are more like 250-500 mg daily and even higher,
taken, of course, along with the other B complex vitamins. Individual
needs vary according to food intake, degree of stress, and whether one
is pregnant or lactating. Those people who eat a diet of processed
foods, have a stressful lifestyle, or have allergies require higher
amounts of pantothenic acid.
As with other B vitamins, there are no specific toxic effects from
high doses of pantothenic acid. Over 1,000 mg daily has been taken for
over six months with no side effects; when 1,500 mg or more is taken
daily for several weeks, some people experience a superficial
sensitivity in their teeth. However, it is possible that if B5 is
taken without other B vitamins, it may create metabolic imbalance.
_By: *Acne Specialist*_
*About the Author:* Acne Specialist [1]
Posted by Shri at 3:15 AM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Avoid Suffering Acne-Generated Misery
Familiarity with sensible home remedies for acne is essential
during teenage life because acne is a very common problem that
occurs in teenagers and adult people. While the condition can be
treated by commercial and prescription creams and medicines;
still nothing is more effective and cost-efficient treatment
than using home remedies for acne.
Preventive is always better that reactive treatment – meaning
proper care of the skin can help you avoid experiencing the
devastating effects that acne can bring about. There are
important things to consider so as observing proper skin care
such as keeping the face clean to prevent clogging of pores with
dirt and oil and avoiding some foods that are greatly associated
with the development of acne breakouts. Getting enough night
sleep is also essential in preventing acne. However, if your job
requires you to stay late at night or needs to stay awake the
whole night it would be useful to always keep chamomile tea
handy. Instead of washing face with soap and water, use
chamomile tea.
Smoking is another habit that you should try to avoid if you
want to have an acne clear skin. This is because smoking is not
good for the skin and may induce the occurrence of pimples,
blackheads, and other skin breakouts. Healthy and vitamin-rich
diet can be a vital part of acne prevention plan.
Getting to know essential home remedies for acne can help you
save your money and time spent in visiting a dermatologist in
your desire to treat your unsightly acne.
Common Home Remedies for Acne
Fine oatmeal and natural yoghurt - Combine and mix natural
yoghurt and fine oatmeal until it is of thick paste consistency.
Apply to skin and leave until dry. Use lukewarm water when
washing the face. Pat dry;
Honey and cinnamon powder- Mix honey and cinnamon powder until
of paste texture then apply before sleeping. Let it stand in the
face until the next morning. Upon waking in the morning, wash
the face with water. This is one of the best natural home
remedies for acne.
Ground nut oil and lime juice- In a container, combine one
tablespoon of ground nut oil with one tablespoon of fresh lime
juice then apply on the skin.
Lime juice and milk- Boil half glass of milk and mix it with
fresh lime juice. Apply on skin with pimples and blackheads.
Other common Home made treatments:
• Make facial wash by using lemon and rose water. Mix them
together and apply the liquid on your face. Leave it for a few
minutes and then wash off by using cotton pad soaked in warm
• Use egg whites to treat your acne; apply the egg whites on
your face and leave for 10 -15 minutes. Then wash your face with
cold water.
• Mix oatmeal and natural yogurt and apply on your face for a
few minutes. When you feel the mixture dries on your face, wash
it with warm water.
• Drink a lot of water during the day.
• Eat many cucumbers during the day in order to keep your face
acne free.
• Drink warm water with lemon a few times a day.
• Eat healthy food; make sure you eat a lot of fruit and
• Take a cotton pad and dip it in rose water, clean your face
with the rose water a few times a day to get better looking
• Take one lemon and squeeze its juice. Apply the lemon juice
on the acne pimples and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash your
face with lukewarm water. If your skin stings from the lemon,
wash your face before the 20 minutes are over.
• Apply garlic cloth on the acne to make it heal faster.
Diet modification including Vitamin C and E-rich foods are
essential in acne prevention. Eating foods rich with these
nutrients provides antioxidants that can help refresh and
revitalize the skin. Those who have acne or in the past had acne
know very well the misery and anguish that acne can bring about.
Knowledge of some valuable home remedies for acne can help you
prevent going through the same misery – the natural way.
About The Author: The author is the owner of For more information about Home
Remedies for Acne visit
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Posted by Shri at 11:39 PM
Know About Acne
Acne is a skin disease that causes inflammation. Pimples are
formed in the skin of the person whose is affected by acne.
Teenagers are found to be infected by acne and it mostly occurs
at the initial stages of puberty. Some people suffer from acne
even during their adult ages. But mostly, acne gets cured by
itself after the teenage. But there is no general rule that acne
will go away in the later adulthood. Hence t is advised to take
treatments for curing acne.
The wounds in the hair follicle cells combined with the sebum
secreted by the sebaceous glands lead to acne. When not treated
at the proper time acne spreads in the entire area of the skin.
The wounds or enlargements leading to acne are caused by
bacteria called propioibacterium acnes. The sebaceous glands
secrete oily substance and this is secreted more for people at
the puberty stages. This sebum helps the bacteria to multiply
and this causes the rupture of dermis layer of the skin which
results in formation of pimple.
The formations of pimples are the symptoms of acne. The pimples
appear in the face, shoulder or the neck. The area of the skin
infected by acne and the intensity of the pustules are dependent
on the individual. For most of the people reddish pimples are
formed and they go away with time. The infection that is caused
is mild in these cases. But for certain people the pimples
spread to the nearer areas. The swellings become large for
people seriously affected with acne and these pustules are
filled with transparent fluid. The infection spreads to those
areas that come in contact with this fluid.
The causes of acne are different for different people. It is
necessary to find out the causes to treat the pimples. For most
adolescent people, the secretion of hormones results in acne. At
the stages of puberty, people suffer from abnormality in the
hormones that are secreted. For men, androgen secretion
increases leading to increase in the sebum secretion by the
sebaceous glands. This is favorable for the developments of
bacteria leading to acne.
The formation of pimples is directly related to the production
of hormones. When people suffer from stress, the hormones are
secreted more. This also causes pimples. For some people, the
sebaceous glands may be overactive in general. If the adrenal
glands secrete more hormones due to some reason, the sebaceous
glands will be stimulated leading to the formation of pustules.
In some cases, the bacteria blocks the skin pores and the
swellings are formed as the skin does not breathe in those
areas. In certain other cases, pustules are formed by the
accumulation of dead cells. The frequent use of anabolic
steroids also leads to the formation of cysts in skin as the
steroids induce the hormone secretion.
Acne is caused in many adults as they expose their skin to
chemical agents. The skin is the highly sensitive portion of the
body and when it is exposed to toxins, pimples are formed
immediately. Some people may stay in sun for a long time which
causes sun burns leading to acne. The face has to be washed
often to remove the dirt and grease which helps for the
multiplication of bacteria. Acne is found is people who don't
take proper care for their skin.
Acne is treated by applying ointments and gels on the affected
area. Generally, it is not possible to prevent the appearance of
pimples in most of the people. But once they get pimples, they
can be cured and further infection can be stopped. Many products
are available in the market for treating acne and they have to
be applied continuously for more than two weeks to treat acne.
Certain products are effective in only certain areas of the
skin. Whatever may be the reason for the formation of pustules,
these products must be applied to prevent the spreading of
Acne can be prevented when care is taken for the skin. The
sebum secreted by sebaceous glands combined with dirt in the
skin will cause pustules. To prevent the dirt from getting
accumulated it is essential to wash the skin regularly with a
good face wash. The exposure to sun light should be minimized to
prevent the settling of dirt. Intense sunlight will surely
damage your skin causing more sweat which results in the
formation of pimples. The appearance of pimples is a symptom of
acne. Most young adults have the habit of scratching the pimples
which will spread the infection. The fluid within the pustules
will form infection in the other areas due to scratching.
It is vital to understand the causes of acne. For teenagers,
the hormonal secretion is induced in the puberty stages. The
adrenal glands secrete hormones which activate the sebaceous
glands. These types of causes cannot be avoided as it happens
within the body. But people can take steps to reduce stress in
their minds which is also responsible for acne. People who eat
fatty foods are also affected by acne as the oils in the food
stimulate sebaceous glands.
The treatments for acne lead to irregularities in the skin. The
pimples may be cured but in most of the cases they leave scars
which are undesirable. The latest technology uses laser
treatments and blue light therapy that will cure the pimples
without scars. But it is not possible to use these latest
therapies for all skin types. Depending on the individuals, the
treatments vary but for most, the original skin is lost.
The best way is to prevent acne from affecting your skin. This
depends on the care you take for the skin and also on the
lifestyle. When you see a pimple in your skin, stop taking fried
items so that your sebaceous glands are not over activated.
People who suffer from obesity also suffer from acne. Take
nutritional balanced diet and exercise regularly to dissolve the
extra fat in the body. This will regularize your hormones and
will prevent acne.
About The Author: CWS Content Writer Services are pioneer in
Health / medical Content Writing. We have In house Team, of
Professional Medical writers to satisfy your requirement. Get
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Posted by Shri at 11:38 PM
HDTV Revelations: Cameron Diaz Acne Exposed!
The HDTV had done wonders for the viewing public. With its
crisp high-resolution images, there's nothing in the actors or
actresses' face or body that can be hidden away from the
camera's prying lenses. Sooner or later, make-ups can no longer
hide what a star's got to hide. He or she might have to rely to
the powers of digital effects instead.
Take for example the acne case of Cameron Diaz. Cameron is a
cute and bubbly actress. From a far, she seemed like a goddess
in distress. But despite her acting prowess and her allure on
TV, she has this one major problem she's suffering from since
she was a teenager – acnes. And her problems aren't just
pimples. She had a lot of acne scars in her face too. But you
wouldn't have known about that - not with your analog TV at
least. Cameron is still the goddess that you think she is –
until you finally switched to HDTV. Now, you can see Cameron's
not-so-perfect face up close. And it doesn't get better when
Hollywood gossip columnists put the spotlight on her unaware and
with absolutely no makeup on.
Even so, people don't think less of Cameron Diaz. She is still
one of the prettiest women in Hollywood, perhaps the whole world
over. Not even if she encounters acne breakouts every now and
then. You see, even the rich and famous is not invincible to the
powers of acnes. Acnes or no acnes, Cameron Diaz will be
remembered as an Elite model and a successful Hollywood
superstar. She starred in films like The Mask, My Best Friend's
Wedding, There's Something About Mary, Charlie's Angels and just
recently, What Happens in Vegas with Ashton Kutcher. Cameron
also voiced for Princess Fiona in the animated film series
Shrek. Of all of Cameron's movie accomplishments, she was noted
to love her role as Fiona's voice. She said that she's most
comfortable doing this project because she doesn't have to be at
the limelight at all. Therefore, she doesn't have to worry about
her skin when she's having breakouts – especially not now that
there's HDTV's around.
Cameron's struggles with acne are a little comforting to all
people who are suffering from the same case. Misery does love
company. And if the subject of misery is somebody as famous as
Cameron Diaz, things get a little brighter for some. But then
again, the facts remain. Adult acne can be very frustrating.
When you were a teen, you hope that your acne will go away at
20. But if you're 20 and you still have it, high are the chances
that acnes are going to stick with you for the rest of your
Statistics show that 25% of adult men are suffering from acne
problems while 50% of the entire adult women's population has
it. To cure acne at the later stages of your life, there's no
way to go about it but to go to a dermatologist for help. It's a
good thing that there are lots of medicines that can help heal
acne and lessen scarring. Such drugs are as follows:
About The Author: Part 2 - For part two of this article, head
on to where you can also find
the truth about homemade acne treatments and acne pictures.
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Posted by Shri at 11:37 PM
How to Get Rid of Spots
Spots are often a fairly big hassle for lots of men and women
in today's world, it appears as if having acne is looked at to
be a very negative thing in society.
Well, I would like to show you 3 fairly casual causes of
pimples below and I hope these can help you to understand what
you need to stop and vary in your everyday life if you are
seeking to be rid of spots, Read carefully:
1.) Dirt - Right, you're maybe thinking "Doh!" yeah, grime is
really ordinarily believed as being a root cause of bad skin but
the thing is that many individuals merely will not bother to pay
attention to it and actually finish up not even remembering it.
For instance, participating in sports can leave you sweaty and
dirty after you're through and although I understand that you
will not be able to to completely stop playing sports, you may
want to think about it until you can cure your bad skin problem
a little.
2.) Consuming oily foods - This is another type of well known
reason forbad skin yet again, not many individuals take notice
or do what needs to be done, you undoubtedly do not desire to
stop eating chips or having crisps, well, you will need to
determine which is more vital, those few foods that are filled
with oily elements or getting rid of your bad skin problem and
so, getting more self confidence and numerous other such
3.) Perspiring - This one is not so well known for contributing
to spots but it can do so, if you are sweating excessively then
you wish to bring a tiny towel or face rub around with you,
giving your face a small rub regularly can make all the
difference, I strongly advise you do this even though you may
not be sweating excessively.
So there it is, three common causes of acne, now all you need
to do is be aware of them and make sure you recall them from now
Here are seven points on extinguishing spots:
1.) Consume lots of of water. Water is brilliant for the body,
it is in all likelihood one of the best drinks you can consume
and it is completely no cost.
I would recommend you try to Consume about 8 glasses every day.
2.) Don't consume high in sugar stuff. Sugar is a contributor
to things such as pimples, so you should try to stay away from
eating it as much as you can.
Merely try to avoid some of the "not so good" stuff in your
3.) Stress might add to pimples. If you're stressed a lot and
you have pimples, there could be a connection there.
Do simple tasks to reduce your stress.
4.) Don't touch your face too much. When you place your hand on
your face, you basically have an opening to bacteria.
Try to avoid touching your face a lot.
5.) For sure don't squeeze them. This is something that could
appear like a decent idea or you could desire to but it can
spread bacterium.
If you poke acne usually, attempt to stop it.
6.) Clean your face 2 times every day. During the day your face
can pick up stuff like sweat and grease.
Clean the face twice daily and it could be a great idea to
carry a facial rub with you during each day.
7.) Use pimples treatment creams. There are a number of
treatments that may help you lots to extinguish spots.
You have a big pick of acne solutions, so should be able to get
1 good for you.
The tips above should be helpful for you if you desire to
reduce your spots and prevent it from becoming worse.
About The Author: If you want to learn about some of the best
acne treatments available, go to:
Please use the HTML version of this article at:
Posted by Shri at 11:34 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
How to Get Rid of Spots
Spots are often a fairly big hassle for lots of men and women
in today's world, it appears as if having acne is looked at to
be a very negative thing in society.
Well, I would like to show you 3 fairly casual causes of
pimples below and I hope these can help you to understand what
you need to stop and vary in your everyday life if you are
seeking to be rid of spots, Read carefully:
1.) Dirt - Right, you're maybe thinking "Doh!" yeah, grime is
really ordinarily believed as being a root cause of bad skin but
the thing is that many individuals merely will not bother to pay
attention to it and actually finish up not even remembering it.
For instance, participating in sports can leave you sweaty and
dirty after you're through and although I understand that you
will not be able to to completely stop playing sports, you may
want to think about it until you can cure your bad skin problem
a little.
2.) Consuming oily foods - This is another type of well known
reason forbad skin yet again, not many individuals take notice
or do what needs to be done, you undoubtedly do not desire to
stop eating chips or having crisps, well, you will need to
determine which is more vital, those few foods that are filled
with oily elements or getting rid of your bad skin problem and
so, getting more self confidence and numerous other such
3.) Perspiring - This one is not so well known for contributing
to spots but it can do so, if you are sweating excessively then
you wish to bring a tiny towel or face rub around with you,
giving your face a small rub regularly can make all the
difference, I strongly advise you do this even though you may
not be sweating excessively.
So there it is, three common causes of acne, now all you need
to do is be aware of them and make sure you recall them from now
Here are seven points on extinguishing spots:
1.) Consume lots of of water. Water is brilliant for the body,
it is in all likelihood one of the best drinks you can consume
and it is completely no cost.
I would recommend you try to Consume about 8 glasses every day.
2.) Don't consume high in sugar stuff. Sugar is a contributor
to things such as pimples, so you should try to stay away from
eating it as much as you can.
Merely try to avoid some of the "not so good" stuff in your
3.) Stress might add to pimples. If you're stressed a lot and
you have pimples, there could be a connection there.
Do simple tasks to reduce your stress.
4.) Don't touch your face too much. When you place your hand on
your face, you basically have an opening to bacteria.
Try to avoid touching your face a lot.
5.) For sure don't squeeze them. This is something that could
appear like a decent idea or you could desire to but it can
spread bacterium.
If you poke acne usually, attempt to stop it.
6.) Clean your face 2 times every day. During the day your face
can pick up stuff like sweat and grease.
Clean the face twice daily and it could be a great idea to
carry a facial rub with you during each day.
7.) Use pimples treatment creams. There are a number of
treatments that may help you lots to extinguish spots.
You have a big pick of acne solutions, so should be able to get
1 good for you.
The tips above should be helpful for you if you desire to
reduce your spots and prevent it from becoming worse.
About The Author: If you want to learn about some of the best
acne treatments available, go to:
Please use the HTML version of this article at:
Posted by Shri at 10:02 AM
Adult Acne - Getting Rid of It!
If you were part of the majority of people that were unlucky to be
plagued with teen acne, just think of all the snickers, jests and
humiliation you had to go through, then it easier for you to
understand why most adult acne sufferers go through a lot of hassles
to remove adult acne from their lives. We both know that adult acne
is not a terminal disease (you can't die from having it, I guess you
knew that uhhh?). The major thing acne gives us are ugly scars and
sometimes they could be really ugly, like mine was at a certain time.
Most of we adults afflicted with acne are usually on the look out for
the magical cure that would gives us the fresh and smooth face or skin
we had when we were eleven years old. Before we go on a wild goose
chase looking for the magical acne medication that would rid us of
adult acne lets understand why and how these little annoying monsters
grow on our faces.
Why do so many adults still have acne?
It seems from all the amount spent on all those expensive research
they still tell us the same thing that we were have all read in
encyclopedias, the major cause of adult acne always has something to
do with our hormones running wild and also genetics (my dad had a very
bad case of acne when he was younger, more severe than mine was). The
genetics part simply means that your biological family history has a
large chunk of the blame of why you are suffering from adult acne. But
aside those there are some other factors that are responsible for
worsening your acne condition, some of them include:
*Side effects from some drugs - (such as corticosteroids, androgenic
steroids, and lithium)
*Picking at or squeezing at the pimples
*Harsh scrubbing of the skin
*Oil based cosmetic products - (I guess you know this one already)
*Stress, illness or exhaustion
*Heat and moisture
*Diet has a some amount of influence on acne - (and please eating
chocolate does not cause acne, where the heck did you hear that from)
How does Adult Acne form on the Skin?
The formation of adult acne as we all know has something to do with
sebum, follicle and all those big words that I read in some 21 inches
thick encyclopedia. In simple words it is formed when oil (also know
as sebum) that is produced underneath the skin surface is blocked from
reaching the skin surface where it always flows to, through a
hair-containing canal called a "follicle".
The follicle wall sheds cells often and the canal is used to remove
dead cells, which sort of become sticky and block the opening as they
attempt to leave the follicle. The blockage results in increased
bacteria growth in the follicle, which turns the trapped sebum into a
very irritating substance and results in an inflammation that is
widely known as acne.
Pheww!!! All that explanation reminds me of high school biology (so
painfully boring to me).
In one sentence on how acne forms it is simply put as "Dead skin cells
clog the pores, and bacteria cause inflammation which results in acne
on the skin".
Although so many adults like you have tried many acne medications and
cosmetics to combat acne, we tend to wonder why they seem not to get
rid of the problem once and for all but still they re-occur. It seems
that acne forms when one or more of these conditions occurs:
*A blockage in the follicle
*There is an over production of sebum (oil)
*Increased bacteria growth within the hair follicle.
Researchers have found out that the hormone responsible for acne,
which is called "testosterone". Yes you have heard of it before it is
the male hormone (it is found in both males and females but it is
produced in high levels in males). Testosterone is responsible for
increasing production of sebum (oil), which results in more pimples.
Since testosterone is an androgen and is more in males than females,
this explains why men tend to have more severe cases of acne than
women (at least that explains why I used to have more pimples on my
face than my elder sister although she started having pimples on her
face before I started having mine).
Adult acne occurs as visible bumps on the surface of the skin usually
on the face, although body acne is also common. Adult Acne is seen as
pus-filled blisters; small reddish bumps, ugly looking thick red skin
on the nose, cheeks and forehead, and small reddish blood vessels all
seen on the skin surface. Acne outbreaks usually occur on the face,
neck, chest, and shoulders and back. A highbrow term for adult acne is
"acne rosacea".
For so many folks stress seems to be one of the major factors in
aggravating their acne condition. When I was in college towards the
end of the semester when the amount of work we had to do increases, I
tend to have more break outs of pimples maybe as a result of the
stress or because I had lesser time for acne skin care. It seems aside
the fact that you have to contend with hormones and genetics being the
major cause of you acne condition you also have things like stress to
worsen it.
Achieving Acne Control with the best Acne Medication
The first step in treating your adult acne condition has to do with
proper acne skin care.
First of all AVOID the temptation of SQUEEZING your PIMPLES. Most of
the time this results in the scars you see on your face. The bigger a
pimple is the higher the chances it will leave a scar if you "pop" it.
Remember to wash your skin gently only twice a day; this is very
helpful in removing surface dirt and excessive oil, which could worsen
your acne condition by clogging the pores. Also please do not use
abrasive soaps. They could damage your skin pores and leave your skin
too dry.
If you currently use oil-based cosmetics it's time you switch to
water-based, non-comedogenic cosmetics as oil-based creams or lotions
irritate oily skin and cause further breakouts and blemishes.
You should also make it a habit to always remove your makeup before
going to bed.
Consider applying an oil-free moisturizer to your skin after washing.
This helps your skin replenish its own moisture and keeps the oil
glands from over producing.
Always remember to shampoo regularly. This prevents oily hair from
rubbing off on your skin.
Like we learnt in biology class, a balanced diet is necessary for
optimum health. A balanced diet and drinking 10-12 glasses of water a
day can help keep your skin healthy. There are some physicians that
believe that an increase in iodine consumption aggravates acne and
recommend a reduction or elimination of fish and iodized salt.
Relax a little to reduce stress and try planning out your activities
so you are not under a lot of pressure from your daily activities.
In case you are looking for a more aggressive adult acne treatment to
totally banish those little monsters of your face/body you should try
using a combination of treatment like that offered by clear pores
system which consists of a facial/body wash, facial/body protection
cream and a herbal supplement which fights the acne from the inside
and the outside. This triple combination is guaranteed to get rid of
acne from your life.
Another very impressive acne treatment available is acnezine, which
has natural ingredients that work to take care of the skin. They help
control free radicals that cause skin damage, aging and wrinkling, and
that can contribute to infection. Acnezine limits inflammation,
helping take care of the ugly redness, and working to limit the
inflammatory response that can cause scarring. And, Acnezine promotes
healing. Acnezine consists of skin anti-Oxidant Capsules and acne
Moisturizing Crème which ensures acne is combated from both inside
and outside the body.
For more information on how you can permanently get rid of Adult Acne
from your life and look more youthful and beautiful visit adult acne
treatment a brand new blog that gives information, tips and advice on
how to solve the problem of acne.
_By: *Tim Orlando*_
*About the Author:*
Tim Orlando is a young man who is passionate about educating teenagers
and young adults solve their acne problem just like he solved his.
Visit his blog * [1]* where he discusses
more on the monster called *"Acne".*
Caffeinated Content
Posted by Shri at 7:36 AM
Acne Treatment
Before considering your acne treatment, it is important to know a few
quick facts about acne vulgaris and acne treatment
*No direct link has been established between acne and diet (pizza,
nuts, sweets, chocolate )*
There is no link between acne and diet. In particular, no cause and
effect has been established between acne and chocolate, dairy products
(milk products), shellfish, sweets, or fatty foods (french fries,
pizza, etc.). Healthy diet is good for your overall health but it will
not be enough to get rid of acne.
*Acne cannot be cured (There is NO acne cure); it can be effectively
treated (see acne treatment) and controlled (but there is no permanent
acne cure)*
There is a widespread belief that acne is curable and that a course of
antibiotics is all that is required to treat acne. People will often
make statements such as my acne treatment did not work because when I
stopped the tablets the acne came back again, and after my acne
treatment the acne only improved but did not completely disappear. It
must be made clear that continued acne treatment is required and that
there is no cure for acne (although isotretinoin may cause long-term
remission of the disease).
*Acne is NOT a result of poor hygiene*
Dirt and surface skin oils do not cause acne. However, accumulation of
daily dirt on the skin and excessive skin oils should be removed by
gently washing your face twice a day with a mild soap, pat dry and use
an appropriate acne treatment.
*Constant washing does not improve acne*
Constant washing does not improve acne. Excessive scrubbing dries and
irritates skin further and can actually make your acne worse.
*Getting a tan does not clear acne*
Although there has been little scientific evidence that sunlight has
any reliable beneficial effect on acne, and even less evidence for the
benefits of solariums; nevertheless, there has been a resurgence of
interest in effects of sunlight on acne. Before recommending such acne
treatment one should carefully evaluate any positive effect of using
sunlight in acne treatment against the possible long-term
carcinogenetic effects of ultraviolet light on the skin. In addition,
some studies have shown that acne treatment using sunlight can even
worsen acne.
*Not only teenagers can have acne, adults get acne too (adult acne)*
Even though, acne vulgaris is mainly a skin disease of teenagers; the
prevalence of acne in teenage boys and girls is so high that acne is
considered almost universal in this age group; nevertheless, adults
suffer from acne, too.
*Acne should be treated and controlled, do not just "let acne run its
Even though, in most cases acne will "run its course";
nevertheless, untreated acne can leave you forever with unaesthetic
acne scars, reminding you about your teenage acne skin problems for
the rest of your life. There are multiple acne treatments available;
therefore, acne should be treated and controlled, avoiding any
potential unaesthetic acne scars in the future.
*Stress does not cause acne, but it can exacerbate the existing
A study of 215 graduating medical students showed that 67% believed
that stress plays a role in acne exacerbations. Anxiety was considered
an acne-exacerbating factor by 74% of students and their relatives.
There is also evidence that stress may exacerbate acne during
examinations. It has also been noted that treatment with biofeedback
mechanisms is useful in some acne sufferers.
*Exercise does not increase risk of acne*
According to Stanford University School of Medicine (
research and contrary to popular beliefs, exercise and sweating during
exercise do not increase acne in athletes.
*There are misconceptions regarding variably of too little or too much
sexual activity and acne.*
There are myths regarding too little or too much sexual activity and
First sex and acne myth that too much sex or masturbation may worsen
Second sex and acne myth that somehow when females begin having a
regular sex life their acne will be improved.
Although acne is linked to androgen metabolism at the level of the
sebaceous glands; nevertheless, there is no evidence supporting
neither of these rather strange extrapolations.
_By: *Lauren Millie*_
*About the Author:*
* - Acne Treatment
* - Acne Treatment
* - Acne Treatment
Caffeinated Content for WordPress
Posted by Shri at 7:35 AM
Connection Between Diet and Acne
With years of medical education and clinical experience behind these
claims, how can we the simple folks who suffer from acne challenge
these statements and think otherwise? The answer is: doubt. Doubt, if
its stays in the borders of reason, can open many doors otherwise
will stay forever shut. Believe it or not, doubt can change reality.
Doubt can cure your acne and doubt can even save your life.
Fact is, countless of acne sufferers have reported that their acne
seemed to get worse when they consumed certain foods and saw dramatic
positive change over their acne condition when they eliminated the
same foods from their diet and when certain foods with specific
nutritional value were incorporated into their diet.
So why do dermatologists so stubbornly insist that diet does not cause
acne? The answer: you can't make as much money as you could make by
selling drugs and over the counters. There is a huge pressure upon
doctors coming from the drug and pharmaceutical companies to prescribe
expensive medications and lotions that create dependency. The truth
is, that your doctor is in a way, a hostage by the trillion dollar
drug companies. Did you know that the drug companies, who have no
interest in producing something that they cannot control financially,
sponsor most medical schools?
The right diet, although not a solution by itself, can, in many cases,
dramatically reduce inflammation and even completely clear one's acne
(if you're one of the lucky ones who's acne is triggered by allergic
response to food). There are less profits for the drug and
pharmaceutical companies when promoting a clear skin diet.
The truth is that conventional medications will never cure your acne,
simply because they are pre-designed NOT to fix the internal cause of
acne. They are pre-designed to deal with the external symptoms of a
disease as they create more and more dependency and more dependency
means making more money all at our expense and ignorance.
The Theory That Diet Doesn't Cause Acne Is A Myth
The dogmatic theory that diet does not cause acne and that acne is
merely an incurable genetic disorder was based upon two dated
researches published in 1969 and 1971 that were aimed at studying the
connection between diet and acne.
These studies were the foundation of the 'acne symptoms treatment
strategy', meaning, because acne is a genetic disease that cannot be
prevented, the only way to deal with acne would be to tackle its
symptoms (bacteria, inflammation, puss, redness, greasiness), by
applying creams, antibiotics, taking prescription drugs and over the
Surprisingly enough, years after the above studies were published,
clinical trials and in depth researches experimenting the acne diet
link have found that the studies from 1969 and 1971 had came to the
wrong conclusions and were in fact seriously flawed.
Recent studies have clearly found a significant connection between
diet and acne. It appears that the wrong diet is now thought to be one
of the leading acne contributing factors that can negatively affect
hormonal regulation and the natural process of toxic elimination,
which can seriously aggravate one's existing acne.
Diet Shapes Who You Are (Including Your Acne)
In the same way that crashing waves shape beach cliffs and just like
the wind shapes the canyon walls, slowly and methodically over time,
so does eating shapes and effects our physic, our internal system, our
physical and mental being, from the organ down to the cellular level.
The idea that an object foreign to our body that is inserted by the
food that we eat, has no effect on us, or has no impact on chronic
conditions such as acne is absurd. Diet is the primary thing that
affects and shapes who we are.
Diet has cumulative effect on our bodies, and that includes our skin
condition and acne, which is a manifestation of a chronic internal
problem slowly shaped and built by the wrong daily dietary choices
over the years.
Acne Diet and The Kitavan Islanders
While in the U.S, more than 80% of teenagers between 16 and 18 have
acne and more than 17 million Americans suffer from some form of acne,
there is an interesting evidence that native people that live and eat
in traditional ways, have significantly lower to no occurrences of
In 2002, Dr. Cordain and his colleagues published a landmark study
that examined 300 people living in the Kitavan Islands off the coast
of Papua New Guinea that showed that none of the islanders had even
one blemish on his or her face. Similar to the Kitavans, no case of
acne had been observed when the same experiment had been conducted
upon the South American Indians called the Ache, living in a remote
jungle in eastern Paraguay.
The natives of Kitavan and the South American Indians had no access to
the latest over the counters, topical creams or conventional acne
medications and they had no dermatologist to consult with. The only
vast difference between them and American or European citizens is
their diet.
Acne Diet and Sugar: The Sweet Poison
Did you know that sugar is a 100% pure chemical with zero nutritional
value? Recent studies have clearly shown a connection between the
consumption of sugar and the aggravation of acne.
When you consume any form of refined carbohydrates (white sugar, white
flour, white rice) here's what happens: right after you insert that
'sweet poison' into your body, it rapidly spikes up your blood sugar
levels. Your body needs to bring those levels down so it secrets a
surge of insulin, other male hormones and an insulin-like growth
factor called IGF-1. The excretion of these hormones overwhelms your
liver and your internal system in general. The excess of male hormones
encourages the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum oil: The greasy
substance that encourages the p.acne bacteria to grow, resulting in
the aggravation of your acne.
Acne Diet and Dairy Products: Got Milk? Got Acne
Milk (all dairy products included) is the most harmful, mucus forming,
allergenic and acne aggravating food you can find. If you thought
sugar can aggravate your acne, here's another major nutritional player
in the formation of acne: behold the miracles of milk. Surprised? I
thought so. After years of constant brainwashing by the media, who can
blame us for thinking milk is good for strong bones and healthy teeth?
The truth is: every sip of milk contains 59 different raging hormones,
(which trigger the hyper-production of sebum oil resulting in more
acne), saturated animal fat, steroid hormones, dead white blood cells,
and cow pus in abundance!
Did you know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows 750
million pus cells in every liter of milk (about two pounds) produced
in America? Think about it, the next time you pop a pimple.
Scientific studies already point the finger at milk as one of the
worst acne aggravating foods: "As pointed out by Dr. Jerome Fisher,
'About 80 percent of cows that are giving milk are pregnant and are
throwing off hormones continuously.' Progesterone breaks down into
androgens, which have been implicated as a factor in the development
of acne...Dr. Fisher observed that his teenage acne patients improved
as soon as the milk drinking stopped."
If there's one element you should remove from your diet in the quest
for clear skin make it this one. Not only will you see an immediate
improvement over your acne, you'll feel a huge weight has been lifted
from your body. If you worry about calcium intake, don't! Milk being
acidic forming food creates a leeching effect where calcium is taken
from your bones to balance the acidity. Milk actually deprives your
body from its calcium resources. Green leafy vegetables, nuts and
seeds are not only excellent sources of calcium they also have the
powers to help you fight your acne symptoms.
Diet Is Only One of The Factors That Cause Acne
Dairy products and sugar are not the only acne aggravating foods. The
two above cannot sum up the list of western made acne triggering
foods. There are several other foods you should clearly stay away from
if you ever wish to clear your acne. The good new is that there are
tons of other foods such as essential fatty acids that are not only
excellent for your skin, they can actually help you clear your acne,
by re-balancing your body and promoting to an acne-free environment.
The right nutrition plays an important part in the complex process of
acne formation. When doctors claim there is no link between diet and
acne because certain individuals can eat specific foods and get acne
while others eat the same foods and don't, these doctors have failed
to realize that there are several factors involved in the formation
and aggravation of acne and diet is only ONE of them.
The Final Verdict On The Acne Diet Connection: How To Finally Overcome
Your Acne Challenge
Acne is a complex condition that is triggered by several underlying
factors. The only way to neutralize your acne condition is to tackle
all these acne-contributing factors-holistically. Since the wrong diet
is only one of these acne-triggering factors, in most cases no special
diet can cure acne.
There is a however, a tight connection between diet and acne
formation. Dietary factors can trigger and aggravate your existing
acne. Avoiding the wrong foods such as milk, sugar and hydrogenated
oils, and eating cleansing and hormonal balancing foods such as green
leafy vegetables and essential fatty acids, can help your skin heal
itself from the inside out and dramatically reduce your acne symptoms.
There are also several important dietary principals that you must
understand and follow if you ever want to cure your acne for good.
Taking responsibility over your body and adhering to these dietary
principals along with taking the necessary steps to tackle all acne
contributing factors, holistically, will not only cure your acne
permanently and give you the flawless acne free skin you deserve,
following these principals will also significantly improve your
overall health, mental well-being, look and feel.
_By: *Alisia Friend*_
*About the Author:*
To read more about how to get rid of acne please read my blogs at:
have a nice day :-)
Website content
Posted by Shri at 7:35 AM
100percentnature. Acne Vulgaris, the 8 Stages of Acne, Skin Care, Adult Acne Treatment, and Scar Removal Options
What is Acne Vulgaris? This is a medical term used to describe most
cases of acne. It really isn't as bad as it sounds! Vulgaris doesn't
mean that the acne is vulgar, only that it means that it is common.
Be aware that there are many factors that contribute to acne. First,
research indicates a propensity for acne may well be inherited.
Parents who had acne in their teenage and young adult years may have
children who are likewise prone to having acne in their teen and young
adult years.
Next, clogged skin pores are certainly a major contributing factor for
acne out-breaks. When pores become clogged with an excess production
of sebum and mix with dead skin cells or makeup that isn't
sufficiently cleaned from the skin, problems start to develop. When
skin pores are clogged, bacteria are produced and pus starts to form
causing a pimple, a white head or a black head.
The most commonly accepted causes for acne are hormonal imbalances.
Hormones in boys and girls may become unbalanced during puberty,
during menstrual cycles, when starting or stopping birth control
pills, during times of extreme stress, and at other times as well.
All of the above situations can cause the body to over produce a male
hormone which causes the sebaceous glands to produce sebum. The sebum
combines with dead skin cells to block pores and acne develops. So,
basically, it still comes back to blocked pores.
Other causes for acne include a lack of vitamins, minerals and trace
elements that the body needs to maintain a healthy skin. Vitamins A, E
and B6 are especially important in maintaining healthy skin as are
zinc, essential fatty acids (EFA), Chromium and Selenium.
Most diets of teenagers and young adults do not contain these
vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in sufficient quantity to
maintain healthy skin and to help prevent the onset of Acne.
Acne: The 8 Stages:
Full blown, Stage 8 acne doesn't usually develop overnight. Acne is
progressive condition. Acne is one of the diseases that are so common
that it is sometimes just disregarded as a serious the
common cold. It has been estimated that 95 of people will have at
least a mild case of acne at some point in their lives.
Acne, much like the common cold, is usually treated by the sufferer
with over-the-counter medications that alleviate the symptoms of the
disease in the belief that it will simply go away all by
itself....eventually. And, it usually does but not always.
Most people throughout their life will have the occasional pimple,
zit, white head or black head.
Although these pesky little outbreaks do seem to appear at the most
inopportune times, they really aren't a serious problem that requires
medical attention. A little over-the-counter acne facial wash to help
prevent another outbreak will usually take care of the problem. It
isn't a big deal. This kind of acne is referred to as Stage 0 and
really nothing to be concerned about unless the acne progresses to
subsequent stages.
Acne stages are graded from 0 through 8. Zero is the least severe and
8 is the most serious of the stages. The stages are as follows:
Stage 1: There will be white heads and black heads with some mild
inflammation. The outbreaks will start to occur more frequently. Using
products that contain Benzyl Peroxide are in order.
Stage 2: There will be some papules in addition to the white heads and
black heads. Papules are skin lesions that are solid and raised but
usually small. This is still considered to be a very mild case of
acne. Treatment can be continued using over-the-counter products that
contain Salicylic Acid.
Stage 3: Stage 3 is the same as stage 2 but with more frequent
Stage 4-5: Pustules begin to appear. Now, it's time to schedule an
appointment at a dermatologist.
Stage 6-7: Nodules and cysts are forming. Scarring is going to start
happening at this stage. Your dermatologist will begin to take more
drastic action.
Stage 8: Breakouts are almost continuous and include nodules and
cysts. There are modern technologies that will help and your
dermatologist will advise you.
Acne Skin Care:
As we know, our hair follicles secrete sebum. Sebum makes its way up
the hair follicles to the skin pores where it lubricates and protects
the skin. Sometimes there are oil glands which get overworked, get
enlarge, and produce too much sebum. The sebum can get trapped in the
hair follicle.
When this happens the pores get clogged and black heads or white heads
form and the bacteria start to multiply at an alarmingly fast rate.
Once you understand this process, you can see the reasoning behind the
advice about caring for skin that has black heads, white heads and
pustules on it.
The first piece of advice about caring for acne infected skin is to
never pick at the pimples. Don't try to pop them and drain them. This
will not cure them no matter what anybody tells you. Popping them will
only serve to make them worse...not better.
However, there are things that you can do that really will help.
The first thing you can do is to wash your face with a mild soap or a
sulfur based soap. Wash your face with just your finger tips. Don't
ever use a wash cloth as it holds germs and bacteria. Rinse your face
with clean water several times to ensure you remove all traces of
soap, and then pat it dry with a clean towel. Do not rub your face
with the towel and never use the same towel twice without it being
Take a good multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement every day and
drink at least 8 full glasses of water (not soda) every day. The
vitamins and minerals will supply nutrients that are absent from most
diets and the water will help to hydrate the skin as well as to flush
toxins out of your system.
If you use over-the-counter acne medications, be certain that you
follow the directions carefully and that you use a good sunscreen when
you are outdoors as some acne medications make the skin more prone to
Adult Acne:
Acne is not just a problem for teenagers and young adults. Once a
person survives the teenage years, you would think that they don't
have to deal with the embarrassment of acne any longer, right?
Well....not exactly.
The sad truth is that about 25 of women will have acne at some time in
their 20s, 30s or even 40s. Although there has never been a real cause
established, it is believed that most adult acne is caused by the same
thing that causes teenage acne...hormonal changes.
A doctor will sometimes prescribe hormonal treatments that will clear
a case of adult acne right up. As with teenage acne, adult acne is not
caused by diet. Stress has often been cited as one possible cause of
adult acne but that assertion has never been verified.
Treating adult acne is a bit more difficult than treating teenage
acne. Adults have the concern of drying out their skin that teenagers
don't normally have to deal with. Adults don't want pimples; but, they
don't want wrinkles, either. A dermatologist should be consulted if
the acne is long lasting or is severe.
There are many treatments that are available to adults who suffer from
acne. Most of the effective treatments are only available by
prescription. Adults should not use over-the-counter acne medications
that are intended for the treatment of teenage acne. These products
tend to dry the skin and adults need to be concerned about wrinkling
as well as acne.
A case of adult acne is not a happy occurrence to say because those
ugly bumps always seem to occur at the most inopportune times and
while a teenager may be embarrassed by acne, an adult is even more
Fortunately, there are treatments and a dermatologist has a lot of
weapons in his arsenal to fight adult acne.
Acne Scar Removal Options:
Life hardly seems fair sometimes! First, a teenager or a young adult
must suffer through acne, treat it, and have to live with
it...sometimes for years. Then the acne is gone; but, the scars are
there as a painful reminder of the mental and emotional agony the acne
sufferer had to endure.
You're right, life doesn't seem fair; but, acne is one of those sad
facts of life that some if not most of us have to deal with. The good
news is there is help; unfortunately, it isn't free or cheap!
There are two basic procedures that are used to remove ugly pits and
scars left over from a bad case of teenage or young adult acne. Laser
resurfacing is the least expensive of the two available acne scar
removal procedures. Dermabrasion is the second procedure.
Laser resurfacing can be done in the dermatologist office instead of a
hospital so that provides a much greater financial savings. A laser is
used to remove the top layer of skin and also to tighten the middle
layer of skin.
The dermatologist will use a local anesthetic to help reduce the
procedure pain. It usually takes several days for the skin to heal
after a laser resurfacing procedure is completed. Very often, multiple
resurfacing treatments must be done to achieve the desired results.
The second procedure used to remove acne scarring is called
dermabrasion. In this procedure, a rotating wire brush is used to
remove the top layer of skin. The body continually produces new skin
and the new layer will be smoother than the layer that was removed. It
usually takes between 10 days and 3 weeks for the skin to heal after a
dermabrasion treatment. Once again, multiple treatments may be
required to eliminate the scarring.
Acne may seem to be a devastating condition but with proper skin
routine, vitamins, and over the counter products, most cases will not
be severe. Remember, proper cleansing goes a long way towards
minimizing outbreaks, so don't be afraid to cleanse your face 5 - 6
times a day of more if needed.
Fight acne by being smart. Take as many preventative steps as possible
to avoid situations that create the opportunity for acne to develop.
If acne does afflict you, acne treatment Just click
_By: *Simon*_
*About the Author:*
Caffeinated Content
Posted by Shri at 7:35 AM
Top 10 Myths About Acne
*Top 10 Myths About Acne*I have been treating acne in my patients for
over a decade. And during that time many patients have asked me
questions related to myths that they have heard, that simply aren't
true. Here I will address the top 10 acne myths that I have heard
over the years with detailed explanations of why they are false.
Acne Myth 1 - Washing your face more often will help clear up acne
Facial blemishes are not caused by dirt. Contrary to what you may have
seen in commercials, pores do not get blocked from the top down due to
"impurities". Rather, the walls of a pore stick together deep within
the skin, starting acne formation. Far from preventing acne, frequent
washing may actually irritate pores and cause them to become clogged.
A washcloth can add even more irritation. The best bet is to wash very
gently with bare hands, and only wash twice a day.
Acne Myth 2 - *Stress causes acne*
Stress may have an effect on hormones and theoretically can promote
acne. However, an effective acne treatment regimen is more powerful
than a bout of stress any day. Some psychiatric medications may have
acne as a side effect, but stress itself is no big deal. Your time is
better spent determining the right course of acne treatment rather
than feeling guilt about stress.
Acne Myth 3 -Masturbation or sex causes acne
This antiquated notion, originating as early as the 17th century to
dissuade young people from having premarital sex, is just plain wrong.
Don't believe the hype.
Acne Myth 4 -The sun will help get rid of acne
Although a tan may temporarily mask acne, the sun can make the skin
dry and irritated, leading to more breakouts in the future. In fact,
there's no link between sun exposure and acne prevention, but the
sun's rays can cause premature aging and skin cancer. Always protect
your skin by choosing a sunscreen of at least SPF (sun protection
factor) 15 that says noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic on the label,
which means it won't clog pores.
The sun also reddens your skin, blending your skin tone with red acne
marks. However, a sun burn is actually skin damage, and sun exposure
can cause irritation which will make acne worse. People will often
notice their skin breaking out as it heals from sun damage. The sun is
a short-term band-aid which will often bite back with more acne in the
weeks following exposure. However, some sun exposure is not evil. It
is actually important, and we get our vitamin D from the sun. Limiting
sun exposure on acne prone areas of your body is most likely prudent,
but some exposure from time to time is not only unavoidable, but is
perfectly okay.
Acne Myth 5 -Diet and acne are related
The bottom line is we need more research. We do know that people in
some indigenous societies do not experience acne at all. This is in
contrast to the widespread presence of acne throughout all modern
society. It leaves us to question whether the indigenous people's diet
contributes to their acne-free skin. Discovering a dietary way of
preventing acne may be a future reality.
Although eating too many sugary, high-fat foods is never a good idea,
studies show that no specific food has been proven to cause acne.
Every individual is different, though. Some people notice their
breakouts are worse after eating certain foods — and these foods are
different depending on the person. For example, some people may notice
breakouts after eating chocolate, while others are fine with chocolate
but notice they get breakouts after drinking too much coffee. If
that's the case for you, it can help to cut back on that food and see
if it makes a difference.
Acne Myth 6 -*Popping pimples will help them go away faster*
Popping a pimple may make it seem less noticeable temporarily, but
popping can cause it to stay around longer. By squeezing pimples and
zits, you can actually push bacteria, dead skin cells, and
oil further into the skin, causing more swelling and redness — and
sometimes causing a red or brown mark or scar to form. Sometimes marks
can last for many months and true scars (dents and pits) will last
Acne Myth 7 -*Don't wear makeup if you want clear skin.*
As long as you choose cosmetics that are nonacnegenic or
noncomedogenic, they shouldn't cause breakouts. In fact, some
concealers now contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, which help
to fight acne. You can also try tinted benzoyl peroxide creams that
hide pimples while helping treat them.
If you've had moderate to severe acne, though, talk to your doctor or
dermatologist about the best cosmetics to use — he or she may
recommend avoiding cosmetics altogether or only using certain brands
so you're acne isn't aggravated.
And even if a product is labeled nonacnegenic or noncomedogenic, you
should stop using it and talk to your doctor if you notice that it's
irritating your skin or seems to cause breakouts.
Acne Myth 8 - *If you keep getting breakouts, it helps to use more
acne medication until the breakouts stop.*
Because acne medication contains drying agents like benzoyl peroxide
and salicylic acid, using too much medication may cause overdrying,
leading to irritation and more blemishes.
If over-the-counter acne medication doesn't seem to work on your acne,
it's a good idea to talk to your doctor or dermatologist. Also, if
you're taking a prescription acne medication, make sure you follow
your doctor's instructions — some medications may take up to 8 weeks
to make a significant difference.
Acne Myth 9 - *Acne is just a cosmetic disease.*
Yes, acne does affect the way people look and is not otherwise a
serious threat to a person's physical health. However, acne can
result in permanent physical scars-plus, acne itself as well as its
scars can affect the way people feel about themselves to the point of
affecting their lives.
Acne Myth 10 - *You just have to let acne run its course*
The truth is, acne can be cleared up. If the acne products you have
tried haven't worked, consider seeing a dermatologist. With the
products available today, there is no reason why someone has to endure
acne or get acne scars.
For more information on acne, including: medication reviews and skin
care tips, click here, or visit:
_By: *Justin Chelf*_
*About the Author:*
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Posted by Shri at 7:34 AM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Top Acne Home Remedies For Clearer Skin
Acne is a very annoying problem and learning how to get rid of
it can be a great challenge. Every day new acne treatment
options are introduced and it can get difficult to decide which
ones will work well for you. The key point to remember is to
keep trying new approaches and keep an open mind to new and
different treatments if the current ones you have been using
have not worked for you.
There are even many home remedies you can make on your very own
and use that can help to reduce your acne problem significantly
in many cases. Here are some potentially effective acne home
remedies that may help to clear your skin permanently:
Juice Fasting:
Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables using your own juicer can
help to reduce acne especially if you go on a one to two day
juice fast since this will help to cleanse your system which in
turn will reduce toxicity levels in your body so acne causing
bacteria is less likely to thrive.
Buy a good juicer and use it as often as possible with a
combination of your favorite fruits and vegetables such as
apples, pears, celery, carrots and oranges or any other hard
fruits that can be juiced. Be sure to juice a lot of carrots as
they contain many nutrients that are great for the skin. There
are also many fresh juice stands you can find in major malls
which can be a great alternative to fast food or drinking soda.
Not only can your acne condition improve but so can your overall
health which is priceless.
There are a lot of nutrients in oatmeal that are great for the
skin. Cook a little oatmeal, let it cool and apply a paste of it
to your face. Let the paste sit for a few minutes on your face
before you rinse it off using warm water.
Almond Oil:
Many skin moisturizers can be harsh on the skin as they contain
many additional chemicals and preservatives. Using almond oil
can be a great natural moisturizer that will not cause
unnecessary irritation.
Regular physical activity helps to keep your body strong and
functioning properly. It also helps to cleanse your system which
will help in the fight against acne. If you live a very
sedentary life then seriously consider being more active like
joining a gym or taking up a new sport like golf or tennis.
Stress Reduction:
Prolonged stress can contribute to making acne worse. Be sure
to reduce stress as much as possible. Some simple ways to lower
stress can be to watch a funny movie or tv show as laughter is
great for reducing stress. You can also learn meditation or yoga
which will help to calm your mind and this will also be great at
lowering stress levels. It also helps to have a positive outlook
on life so do not get down on yourself too much. If you have
problems then be grateful for them as they are opportunities in
disguise which will make you a better and stronger person.
Consider some of these acne clearing tips to help you get rid of
acne permanently.
About The Author: Adrianna is a researcher and author. She is a
regular contributor to a site on acne treatments that helps
people to solve their acne problem, please visit at and find out how you can become
acne free.
Please use the HTML version of this article at:
Posted by Shri at 12:03 PM
Improving Complexions With Vitamins For Acne
Acne can be treated with any number of therapies; sufferers
have long gone in search of the miracle remedy that will release
them from the effects of recurring acne. Cleansing regimes,
medications, surgical procedures, and a host of over-the-counter
topical creams bombard acne patients on a daily basis. But much
of the success in curing acne comes from comprehensive care of
the body from the inside out.
Studies have shown that dietary changes dramatically impact the
look and health of the skin. But just as significant is the use
of vitamins for acne treatment. Much of the reason that
introducing natural, healthy foods into the diet reduces acne is
because these foods address existing vitamin deficiencies within
the body.
Vitamins for acne control garner noteworthy success for many
acne sufferers. Acne is often an outward sign of internal
conflict. Your body is literally crying out for what it needs.
The implementation of a consistent program to introduce vitamins
for acne treatment can dramatically increase your chances of
defeating acne.
First in the list is Vitamin A – a natural inhibitor of excess
oil and an innate antioxidant. Vitamin A can be found in a
variety of foods such as carrots, green vegetables, oranges, and
Vitamin B – found in such foods as sweet potatoes, chickpeas,
and green peppers – is a compilation of many different vitamins
and also acts as an antioxidant.
Best known for fighting the common cold, Vitamin C increases
immunity – which helps to eradicate acne. Found in citrus
fruits, Vitamin C is an excellent component of your vitamins for
acne treatment.
Vitamin E – the healing vitamin – does just that in its battle
against acne. It helps to heal the skin and protect it from
further outbreaks.
Getting essential vitamins from whole foods is the best way to
implement your vitamins for acne treatment; this is the most
natural and healthy way to proceed. Taking vitamin supplements
can also be done, however, keep in mind that taking too much of
any vitamin – in supplement form – can be dangerous.
Talk to your doctor about steps you can take to increase your
consumption of essential vitamins. Vitamins for acne treatment
will allow you a greater sense of control over your complexion
and a tool you can use for a lifetime.
Vitamins for acne control are one of the most natural ways to
approach the battle against acne. When you begin fueling your
body with the things it needs the most, you will be rewarded
with increased health and a clear and glowing complexion.
About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth information
about acne visit our ezGuide 2
Please use the HTML version of this article at:
Posted by Shri at 12:02 PM
HDTV Revelations: Cameron Diaz Acne Exposed!
The HDTV had done wonders for the viewing public. With its
crisp high-resolution images, there's nothing in the actors or
actresses' face or body that can be hidden away from the
camera's prying lenses. Sooner or later, make-ups can no longer
hide what a star's got to hide. He or she might have to rely to
the powers of digital effects instead.
Take for example the acne case of Cameron Diaz. Cameron is a
cute and bubbly actress. From a far, she seemed like a goddess
in distress. But despite her acting prowess and her allure on
TV, she has this one major problem she's suffering from since
she was a teenager – acnes. And her problems aren't just
pimples. She had a lot of acne scars in her face too. But you
wouldn't have known about that - not with your analog TV at
least. Cameron is still the goddess that you think she is –
until you finally switched to HDTV. Now, you can see Cameron's
not-so-perfect face up close. And it doesn't get better when
Hollywood gossip columnists put the spotlight on her unaware and
with absolutely no makeup on.
Even so, people don't think less of Cameron Diaz. She is still
one of the prettiest women in Hollywood, perhaps the whole world
over. Not even if she encounters acne breakouts every now and
then. You see, even the rich and famous is not invincible to the
powers of acnes. Acnes or no acnes, Cameron Diaz will be
remembered as an Elite model and a successful Hollywood
superstar. She starred in films like The Mask, My Best Friend's
Wedding, There's Something About Mary, Charlie's Angels and just
recently, What Happens in Vegas with Ashton Kutcher. Cameron
also voiced for Princess Fiona in the animated film series
Shrek. Of all of Cameron's movie accomplishments, she was noted
to love her role as Fiona's voice. She said that she's most
comfortable doing this project because she doesn't have to be at
the limelight at all. Therefore, she doesn't have to worry about
her skin when she's having breakouts – especially not now that
there's HDTV's around.
Cameron's struggles with acne are a little comforting to all
people who are suffering from the same case. Misery does love
company. And if the subject of misery is somebody as famous as
Cameron Diaz, things get a little brighter for some. But then
again, the facts remain. Adult acne can be very frustrating.
When you were a teen, you hope that your acne will go away at
20. But if you're 20 and you still have it, high are the chances
that acnes are going to stick with you for the rest of your
Statistics show that 25% of adult men are suffering from acne
problems while 50% of the entire adult women's population has
it. To cure acne at the later stages of your life, there's no
way to go about it but to go to a dermatologist for help. It's a
good thing that there are lots of medicines that can help heal
acne and lessen scarring. Such drugs are as follows:
About The Author: Part 2 - For part two of this article, head
on to where you can also find
the truth about homemade acne treatments and acne pictures.
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Posted by Shri at 11:53 AM
How to Get Rid of Spots
Spots are often a fairly big hassle for lots of men and women
in today's world, it appears as if having acne is looked at to
be a very negative thing in society.
Well, I would like to show you 3 fairly casual causes of
pimples below and I hope these can help you to understand what
you need to stop and vary in your everyday life if you are
seeking to be rid of spots, Read carefully:
1.) Dirt - Right, you're maybe thinking "Doh!" yeah, grime is
really ordinarily believed as being a root cause of bad skin but
the thing is that many individuals merely will not bother to pay
attention to it and actually finish up not even remembering it.
For instance, participating in sports can leave you sweaty and
dirty after you're through and although I understand that you
will not be able to to completely stop playing sports, you may
want to think about it until you can cure your bad skin problem
a little.
2.) Consuming oily foods - This is another type of well known
reason forbad skin yet again, not many individuals take notice
or do what needs to be done, you undoubtedly do not desire to
stop eating chips or having crisps, well, you will need to
determine which is more vital, those few foods that are filled
with oily elements or getting rid of your bad skin problem and
so, getting more self confidence and numerous other such
3.) Perspiring - This one is not so well known for contributing
to spots but it can do so, if you are sweating excessively then
you wish to bring a tiny towel or face rub around with you,
giving your face a small rub regularly can make all the
difference, I strongly advise you do this even though you may
not be sweating excessively.
So there it is, three common causes of acne, now all you need
to do is be aware of them and make sure you recall them from now
Here are seven points on extinguishing spots:
1.) Consume lots of of water. Water is brilliant for the body,
it is in all likelihood one of the best drinks you can consume
and it is completely no cost.
I would recommend you try to Consume about 8 glasses every day.
2.) Don't consume high in sugar stuff. Sugar is a contributor
to things such as pimples, so you should try to stay away from
eating it as much as you can.
Merely try to avoid some of the "not so good" stuff in your
3.) Stress might add to pimples. If you're stressed a lot and
you have pimples, there could be a connection there.
Do simple tasks to reduce your stress.
4.) Don't touch your face too much. When you place your hand on
your face, you basically have an opening to bacteria.
Try to avoid touching your face a lot.
5.) For sure don't squeeze them. This is something that could
appear like a decent idea or you could desire to but it can
spread bacterium.
If you poke acne usually, attempt to stop it.
6.) Clean your face 2 times every day. During the day your face
can pick up stuff like sweat and grease.
Clean the face twice daily and it could be a great idea to
carry a facial rub with you during each day.
7.) Use pimples treatment creams. There are a number of
treatments that may help you lots to extinguish spots.
You have a big pick of acne solutions, so should be able to get
1 good for you.
The tips above should be helpful for you if you desire to
reduce your spots and prevent it from becoming worse.
About The Author: If you want to learn about some of the best
acne treatments available, go to:
Please use the HTML version of this article at:
Posted by Shri at 11:52 AM
Improving Complexions With Vitamins For Acne
Acne can be treated with any number of therapies; sufferers
have long gone in search of the miracle remedy that will release
them from the effects of recurring acne. Cleansing regimes,
medications, surgical procedures, and a host of over-the-counter
topical creams bombard acne patients on a daily basis. But much
of the success in curing acne comes from comprehensive care of
the body from the inside out.
Studies have shown that dietary changes dramatically impact the
look and health of the skin. But just as significant is the use
of vitamins for acne treatment. Much of the reason that
introducing natural, healthy foods into the diet reduces acne is
because these foods address existing vitamin deficiencies within
the body.
Vitamins for acne control garner noteworthy success for many
acne sufferers. Acne is often an outward sign of internal
conflict. Your body is literally crying out for what it needs.
The implementation of a consistent program to introduce vitamins
for acne treatment can dramatically increase your chances of
defeating acne.
First in the list is Vitamin A – a natural inhibitor of excess
oil and an innate antioxidant. Vitamin A can be found in a
variety of foods such as carrots, green vegetables, oranges, and
Vitamin B – found in such foods as sweet potatoes, chickpeas,
and green peppers – is a compilation of many different vitamins
and also acts as an antioxidant.
Best known for fighting the common cold, Vitamin C increases
immunity – which helps to eradicate acne. Found in citrus
fruits, Vitamin C is an excellent component of your vitamins for
acne treatment.
Vitamin E – the healing vitamin – does just that in its battle
against acne. It helps to heal the skin and protect it from
further outbreaks.
Getting essential vitamins from whole foods is the best way to
implement your vitamins for acne treatment; this is the most
natural and healthy way to proceed. Taking vitamin supplements
can also be done, however, keep in mind that taking too much of
any vitamin – in supplement form – can be dangerous.
Talk to your doctor about steps you can take to increase your
consumption of essential vitamins. Vitamins for acne treatment
will allow you a greater sense of control over your complexion
and a tool you can use for a lifetime.
Vitamins for acne control are one of the most natural ways to
approach the battle against acne. When you begin fueling your
body with the things it needs the most, you will be rewarded
with increased health and a clear and glowing complexion.
About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth information
about acne visit our ezGuide 2
Please use the HTML version of this article at:
Posted by Shri at 11:51 AM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Simple Acne Scarring Treatments
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_By: *ali*_
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Fitness, come in and learn, Beautify yourself. Beauty Tips [1] Health
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Posted by Shri at 9:38 AM
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permanently. Acne - unbiased opinions and treatment reviews of the
world's most popular acne treatments acne solutions is an acne
treatment resource dedicated to. Acne solutions - product reviews,
acne information, treatment methods resource for acne treatments and
prevention learn tips and techniques to stop pimples, zits and
blackheads for good. Acne complex acne treatments acne skin care
treatments acne skin care treatment from murad will give you the
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enzymes. Acne treatment acne help get rid of acne control and more
about acne: causes and symptoms diagnosis treatment alternative
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web learn therapeutics more about what causes acne and how you can
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clinic acne may affect the people of all ages and make life quite a
hell for them, adult acne could be very embarrassing but, there are
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answers to your questions about acne and more information you can
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_By: *ali*_
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We provide you with many free tips on Health, Beauty, Weight Loss and
Fitness, come in and learn, Beautify yourself. Beauty Tips [1] Health
Care Tips [2] Homemade Beauty Tips [3]
Posted by Shri at 9:37 AM
Facial Treatment Products: Restore The Youthful Glow Of Your Skin
Facial treatment products are now being extensively used for
exfoliating desiccated skin from toxins. Facial treatment
products like herbal products such as Basil, rosemary, mint,
turmeric, Aloe Vera and chamomile have gained immense popularity
among people due to their organic nature. Facial treatment
products can also be used to restore the condition of your skin
and remove the infections of acne and eczema from it. These
products are an absolute must to restore the suppleness of your
skin and make you look more youthful. Anti-aging skin acre
creams are also available in the market these days, which can be
very useful in removing crow lines and wrinkles from your face
and restoring your lost beauty.
Sun screen lotions are also available which can protect your
skin from the harmful UV rays. Pore cleaners are effective
purification agents that can remove the muck from your skin and
purify it. Ayurveda has also unleashed many useful skin care
products containing potent natural herbs. Jojoba is also used in
many facial moisturizers and is very effective in improving the
condition of the shriveled skin because it is made up of a
whale's sebum. Natural skin care products are becoming popular
because they make use of the bioactive natural ingredients and
also use natural preservatives and emulsifiers like unrefined
oils and pure water. People with all the skin types (dry, oily
and normal) are now resorting to the use of such products. These
days our skin gets exposed to a volley of environmental toxins,
which reduce the suppleness of our skin.
Today, our skin has to undergo the torture of noxious
environmental pollutants, harmful UV rays and the residual dust
which gets accumulated in the air. Facial skin is the most
vulnerable part of our body skin and today many specialized
products are available in the market that caters to every skin
Anti-aging and acne skin care products
Anti-aging skin care products are like magical potions that can
reverse harmful impacts of the biological process of aging.
These age defying creams can reduce the aging effects, which
have taken way the glow, the radiance and the litheness of your
Apart from time, such condition of your skin has been caused
due to smoking, an inadequate diet, stress and environmental
pollution. Anti-aging skin care products work to restore the
vitality of your skin and making it lithe and beaming. It will
renew the structure of your epidermis and endow it with the
structure of a young skin. Acne has also become a rampant skin
problem among adolescents and adults due to higher intake of
fatty foods, which results in a creation of pimples on the skin.
There are an umpteen number of acne-cleansers, pimple creams and
astringents that are available in the market today that can cure
this skin affliction for you.
Finally, to get the most effective results, it is advised that
such products be used according to the specified instructions.
These kinds of products require a time span of at least 6-8
weeks to give effective results.
About The Author: The article written by Larkung, please visit
the website for more information at
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Posted by Shri at 2:25 AM
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